
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Ph.D., Toxicology
  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

B.A. Chemistry
  Kent State University, Kent, Ohio


BA Thor Consulting, LLC, Mattawan, Michigan
  November 2023 to Present

Frontage Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois
 Vice President, Scientific Operations
  January 2021 to November 2023

Experimur, Chicago, Illinois
 Assistant Vice President, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) & Infant Nutrition
  April 2015 to December 2021

MPI Research, Mattawan, Michigan
 Director, Infant Nutritional Sciences

 Principal Study Director, DART

 Senior Study Director, DART

Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan
 Lead Scientist, DART

Charles River Laboratories, Spencerville, Ohio (Springborn Laboratories, acquired 2002)
 Director, DART

 Manager, DART

 Senior Study Director, DART

Professional Associations

Round Table of Toxicology Consultants (RTC)

Society of Toxicology (SOT)

Society for Birth Defects and Prevention (BDRP, formerly the Teratology Society)

American College of Toxicology (ACT)


1. Mermelstein N (2017) Starting Babies Off Right, based on IFT 2016 symposium titled

    Regulatory and Safety Evaluation of Ingredients with presenters Carrie L Assar (FDA),

    Claire L Kruger (Chromadex), Roger A. Clemens (University of Southern California),

    and Bjorn A Thorsrud (Experimur). Food Safety & Quality, Food Technology, Institute

    of Food Technologists (IFT) Newsletter, July, Vol 71, No. 7.

2. Kruger C, Zhou Y, Thorsrud BA, Morel-Despeisse F, Chappuis E (2017) Safety

    Evaluation of α-Galacto-Oligosaccharides for Use in Infant Formulas Investigated in

    Neonatal Piglets. Toxicology Research and Application, 1:1-10.

3. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Health

    Organization (WHO). (2015) Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives. Citations by

    Thorsrud BA as Study Director on piglet studies with carrageenan (2013) and octenyl

    succinic acid (2012). Prepared by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additive (JECFA)

    at the 79 th Meeting, WHO Food Additives Series: 70, Geneva, Switzerland.

4. Zeigler BM, Cameron M, Nelson K, Bailey K, Weiner, ML, Mahadevan B, Thorsrud

    BA (2015) The Development and Validation of Methods for Evaluating the Immune

    System in Preweaning Piglets. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 84:197-207.

5. Choi SH, Lynch BS, Baldwin N, Dakoulas EW, Roy S, Moore C, Thorsrud BA, and

    Röhrig CH (2015) Safety Evaluation of L-Fucose in Sprague Dawley Rats. Regul

    Toxicol Pharmacol, 72:39-48.

6. Weiner ML, Ferguson HE, Thorsrud BA, Nelson KG, Blakemore WR, Zeigler B,

    Cameron MJ, Brant A, Cochrane L, Pellerin M, Mahadevan B (2015) An infant formula

    toxicity and toxicokinetic feeding study on carrageenan in preweaning piglets with

    special attention to the immune system and gastrointestinal tract. Food and Chemical

    Toxicology, 77:120-131.

7. Hanlon P and Thorsrud BA (2014) A 3-Week Pre-Clinical Study of 2’-Fucosyllactose in

    Farm Piglets. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 14:343-348.

8. Mahadevan B, Thorsrud BA, Brorby GP, and Ferguson H (2014) A 3-Week Dietary

    Safety Study of Octenyl Succinic Anhydride (OSA)-Modified Starch in Neonatal Farm

    Piglets. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 72: 83-89.

9. Dahms I, Thorsrud BA, Bailey E, and Salem Jr N (2014) DHASCO-B and DHASCO:

    A 3-Week Dietary Bioequivalence Study in Preweaning Farm Piglets. Food and

    Chemical Toxicology, Mar, 65: 43-51.

10. Choi SH, Baldwin N, Waggner II VO, Roy S, Rose J, Thorsrud BA, Phothirath P, and

    Röhrig CH (2014) Safety Evaluation of Sialic Acid in Sprague-Dawley Rats. Regul

    Toxicol Pharmacol, Aug 8; 70(2): 482-491.

11. Thorsrud BA, Faqi AS, Beck MJ, and Morford LL (2012). Juvenile toxicity testing to

    support clinical trials in the pediatric population. A Comprehensive Guide to Toxicology

    in Preclinical Drug Development. Ali S Faqi editor, Elsevier, 15:383-393.

12. Schardein JL, Birch R, Hesley R and Thorsrud B (2012). Multigeneration reproductive

    study of hydroxyprogesterone caproate (HPC) in the rat: Laboratory results and clinical

    significance. Birth Defects Research (Part B) 95: 160-174.

13. Thorsrud, BA and Faqi AS (2011). Developmental and reproductive toxicity of TCDD,

    lead and mercury. Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, Volume 2. Jerome Nriagu

    editor-in-chief. Elsevier, UK.

14. Thorsrud BA, Dugard P, Zablotny C and Carney EW (2006). Developmental toxicity

    studies in CD rats following inhalational exposure to trichloroethylene and

    perchlorethylene. Birth Defects Research B Dev Tox Reprod Toxicol, 77(5):405-412.

15. Meyer KE, Hawks RJ, Serbinova EA, Marafino B, Merriman TN, Thorsrud BA, Learn,

    DB, Frantz SW, Secrest JT and Gundel RH (2004). Nonclinical safety evaluation of

    XMP.629, a novel peptide for acne treatment. International Congress of Toxicology,

    Tampere, Finland.

16. Marty MS, Chapin RE, Parks LG, and Thorsrud BA (2003). Development and

    maturation of the male reproductive system. Birth Defects Research (Part B) 68:125-136.

17. Clark HA, Barker SLR, Brasuel M, Miller MT, Monson E, Parus S, Shi ZY, Song A,

    Thorsrud B, Kopelman R, Ade A, Meixner W, Athey B, Hoyer M, Hill D, Lightle R,

    and Philbert MA (1998). Subcellular optochemical nanobiosensors: probes encapsulated

    by biologically localized embedding (PEBBLEs). Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 51,

18. Tan WH, Thorsrud BA, Harris C, and Kopelman R (1998). Real time pH measurements

    in the intact rat conceptus using ultramicrofiber-optic sensors. In “Polymers in Sensors”,

    Vol. 690, pp. 266-272. American Chemical Society, Washington D.C.

19. Barker LR, Thorsrud BA, and Kopelman R (1997). Nitrite and chloride selective

    fluorescent nano-optodes and in vitro applications to rat conceptus. Analytical


20. Harris C, Lee E, Hiranruengchok R, McNutt TL, Larson SJ, Akeila S, and Thorsrud BA

    (1996). Characteristics of glutathione redox and antioxidant status in post implantation rat

    embryos: response to oxidative stress. Toxicologist 30:2.

21. Thorsrud BA and Harris C (1995). Real time, micro-fiberoptic redox fluorometry:

    Modulation of the pyridine nucleotide status of the organogenesis-stage rat visceral yolk

    sac with cyanide and alloxan. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacy, 135:237-245.

22. Tan W, Shi Z, Harris C, Kopelman R and Thorsrud B (1994). Ultra micro-fiberoptic

    chemical sensors and real time biochemical measurements on single rat embryos.

    Bioanalytical Chemistry Mini-Conference, Microbioanalytical Chemistry. Pittsburgh

    conference of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Pittsburgh, PA.

23. Tan W, Shi Z, Thorsrud B, Harris C and Kopelman R (1994). Near field fiber optic

    chemical sensors and biological applications. Optical Tools for Manufacturing and

    Advanced Automation. International Society of Optical Engineering, 2068:59-68.

24. Thorsrud BA and Harris C (1993). Real Time Micro-Fiberoptic Monitoring of

    Endogenous Fluorescence in the Rat Conceptus. Teratology 48(4):343-353.

25. Tan W, Birnbaum D, Harris C, Merlin R, Orr B, Shi Z, Smith S, Thorsrud B and

    Kopelman R (1993). Near field optics: Chemical sensors, photon supertips and

    subwavelength spectroscopy. (eds. Masuhara, H. et. al.) Microchemistry, Academic

    Press, Netherlands. Joint International Symposium on Spectroscopy and Chemistry in

    Small Domains, Brussels, Belgium.

26. Smith S, Monson E, Merritt G, Tan W, Birnbaum D, Shi Z, Thorsrud B, Harris C, Grahn

    H, Merlin R, Orr B, Langmore J and Kopelman R (1993). Tip/sample interactions,

    contrast and near-field microscopy of biological and solid-state samples. Scanning Probe

    Microscopies, International Society for Optical Engineering, 1855(13):81-92.

Awards and Honors

Highest Publisher Recognition Award, MPI Research, February 28, 2015.

High Publisher Recognition Award, MPI Research, March 2, 2013.

Judge at the Annual Michigan State University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum Poster

    and Oral Competition on behalf of the Michigan Chapter of the Society of Toxicology, East

    Lansing, 2012 and 2013.

Judge at the Graduate Student Poster Competition of the Michigan Chapter of the Society of

    Toxicology, Fall Meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2008; Fall Meeting, East Lansing, Michigan,

    2009; Fall Meeting, East Lansing, Michigan, 2010, Fall Meeting, Ann Arbor, 2012.

ILSI Publication (Marty et al., 2003) cited in Guidance for Industry: Nonclinical Safety

    Evaluation of Pediatric Drug Products, FDA, CDER, February 2006.

Adjunct Professor, Ohio State University, School of Public Health, Columbus, Ohio (2001 to


Judge at the Graduate Student Poster Competition at the Ohio Valley Society of Toxicology

    Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 1998.

Member of Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Department of Environmental & Industrial Health,

    School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1996-1998.

One Term Dissertation Fellowship, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, University of

    Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1995.

Founder and President of the University of Michigan Toxicology Student Association (UMTSA),

    Department of Environmental & Industrial Health, School of Public Health, University of

    Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1992-1993.

Student Representative to the Toxicology Program Faculty, Department of Environmental &

    Industrial Health, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1992-


Best Graduate Student Poster Presentation, presented by the Midwest Teratology Association,

    Teratology Society Meeting, Boca Raton, Florida, 1992.


1. Chappuis E, Le Fresne S, Thorsrud, BA (2017) Plant-Based Galacto-Oligosaccharides

    Support Adequate Growth and Have Prebiotic Properties in Pre-Weanling Piglets.

    International Conference on Nutrition and Growth, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

2. Blakemore WR, Brant A, Chochrane L, Pellerin M, Thorsrud B, Weiner ML, Ferguson

    H, Frantz B (2014) Safety of Carrageenan in Infant Formula: A 4-Week Toxicokinetic

    Evaluation in Preweaning Piglets. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.

3. Zeigler B, Cameron, M, Nelson K, Thorsrud B, Weiner ML, Ferguson H, Frantz B

    (2014) Safety of Carrageenan in Infant Formula: A 4-Week Study of the Potential

    Immune System Effects in Preweaning Piglets. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Phoenix,


4. Weiner ML, Ferguson H, Thorsrud B, Nelson K, Blakemore WR, Frantz, B (2014)

    Safety of Carrageenan in Infant Formula: A 4-Week Toxicity Study in Preweaning

    Piglets. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.

5. Thorsrud B, Cameron, M, Zeigler B, Nelson K, McKim Jr JM, Weiner ML, Ferguson H,

    Frantz B, Blakemore WR (2014) The Development and Validation of Methods for

    Evaluating the Immune System in Preweaning Piglets. Society of Toxicology Meeting,

    Phoenix, Arizona.

6. Mahadewan, B, Thorsrud BA, Ferguson H (2014) A 3-Week Dietary Toxicity Study of

    Octenyl Succinic Anhydride (OSA) – Modified Starch in Preweaning Farm Piglets.

    Society of Toxicology Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.

7. Prater J, Sweet J, Tawoda L, Thorsrud B (2013) Endoscopic Placement of a

    Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Feeding Tube in Juvenile Swine. Received

    Michael DeLeo Award. Academy of Surgical Research Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada.

8. Gasper C, Thorsrud B, Cao L, Chen J, Wong L, Der K, Ma J, Ahene A, Meyer K (2013)

    Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Studies in Sprague Dawley Rats with

    Gevokizumab, a Novel Monoclonal Antibody Targeting IL-1 Beta. Society of

    Toxicology Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.

9. Thorsrud BA, Aulbach AD and Faqi AS (2012). Neonatal Piglets as an Animal Model

    to Evaluate Safety of new Ingredients in Infant Formula. Society of Toxicology Meeting,

    San Francisco, California.

10. Schardein J, Birch R, Hesley R, Jofrion J, Gudeman J, Jozwiakowski M and Thorsrud B

    (2012). A Multi-Generational Reproductive Toxicology (MGRT) Study in Rats Shows

    No Evidence of a Safety Signal for Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate (HPC, Makena ® ,

    17P). Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine Meeting, Dallas, Texas.

11. Gasper C, Thorsrud B, Ma J, Cao L, Der K, and Meyer K. (2011). A Study of Fertility

    and Early Embryonic Development to Implantation in Sprague Dawley Rats with XOMA

    052, a Novel Monoclonal Antibody Targeting IL-1 Beta. Society of Toxicology Meeting,

    Washington DC.

12. Gasper C, Thorsrud B, Ma J, Chen J, Der K, and Meyer K (2011). A Developmental

    Toxicity Study in Sprague Dawley Rats with XOMA 052, a Novel Monoclonal Antibody

    Targeting IL-1 Beta. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Washington DC.

13. Thorsrud BA, Resendez JC, Faqi AS, Holdsworth DL and Baird TJ (2010). A

    Comparative Evaluation of Cardiac Parameters of the Electrocardiogram (ECG) in

    Juvenile Beagle Dogs and Non-Human Primates. Teratology Society Meeting, Louisville,


14. Thorsrud BA, Faqi AS, Holdsworth DL and Baird TJ (2010). Comparative Analysis of

    Cardiac Rhythm and Quantitative Elements of the Electrocardiogram (ECG) in Juvenile

    and Adult Beagle Dogs. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.

15. Gasper C, Thorsrud B, Hawks R, Tibbits J and Meyer K (2006). XMP.629, A novel

    antimicrobial peptidomimetic for the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris:

    Evaluation of potential developmental effects of XMP.629 in Sprague Dawley rats and

    New Zealand White rabbits. Society of Toxicology Meeting, San Diego, California.

16. Kapp RW, Thorsrud BA, Moffatt WJ, and Lawton L (2003). A combined repeated dose

    toxicity study and reproduction/development screening in Sprague-Dawley rats with

    acetophenone (OECD Guideline No. 422). Society of Toxicology Meeting, Salt Lake

    City, Utah.

17. Thorsrud BA, Tan W, Harris C and Kopelman R (1996). Real time monitoring of the

    extraembryonic fluid pH in the organogenesis stage rat conceptus. Analytical and

    Physical Chemistry Poster Session, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

18. Harris C, Lee E, Hiranruengchok R, McNutt TL, Larsen SJV, Akella S, and Thorsrud

    BA (1996). Characteristics of glutathione redox and antioxidant status in

    postimplanatation rat embryos: response to oxidative stress. Society of Toxicology

    Meeting, Anaheim, California.

19. Harris C, Kenneway E, Lee E, Larsen S and Thorsrud BA (1995). Formaldehyde

    embryotoxicity in mouse conceptus grown in whole embryo culture. Society of

    Toxicology Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.

20. Thorsrud BA and Harris C (1994). The use of micro-fiberoptic biosensor to

    fluorometrically monitor changes in the cellular redox status of the organogenesis-stage

    rat visceral yolk sac during exposure to cyanide and alloxan. First Annual Toxicology

    Research Symposium, Toxicology Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,


21. Harris C, Tan W, Thorsrud BA, and Kopelman R (1994). Ultramicrofiberoptic pH

    sensors for measurement of real time responses to chemical insult in intact,

    organogenesis-stage rat conceptuses. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Dallas, Texas.

22. Tan W, Thorsrud BA, Harris C and Kopelman R (1993). Near-field optical biochemical

    sensors and in vivo biochemical measurements on single rat conceptuses. Department of

    Molecular Biophysics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

23. Thorsrud BA and Harris C (1992). Real time micro-fiberoptic monitoring of

    endogenous fluorescence in the rat conceptus. Teratology Society Meeting, Boca Raton,


24. Thorsrud BA and Harris C (1992). Real time micro-fiberoptic monitoring of

    endogenous fluorescence in the rat conceptus during hypoxia. Reproductive Sciences

    Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

25. Thorsrud BA and Harris C (1991). The development and use of a micro-optical

    spectrofluorometric technique for use with cultured whole rat conceptuses during

    organogenesis. Reproductive Sciences Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,



Optical Fiberless Sensors, US Patent Number 6,379,955. Fiberless optical sensors (plasticized

PVC, acrylamide or gold particles) are described having a size ranging from between

approximately 1 micrometer and 1 nanometer in diameter. The sensors comprise ionophores

useful for the detection of intracellular analytes. Inventors: Raoul Kopelman, Heather Clark,

Eric Monson, Stephen Parus, Martin Philbert, Bjorn Thorsrud. Original Assignee: Regents of the

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Optical Fiberless Sensors for Analyzing Cellular Analytes. US Patent No. 6,143,558. Fiberless

optical sensors (plasticized PVC, acrylamide or gold particles) are described having a size

ranging from between approximately 1 micrometer and 1 nanometer in diameter. The sensors

comprise ionophores useful for the detection of intracellular analytes. Inventors: Raoul

Kopelman, Heather Clark, Eric Monson, Stephen Parus, Martin Philbert, Bjorn Thorsrud.

Original Assignee: Regents of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

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